Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Set Your Goals

31/12 || 1:07am
I was at work, doing my thing and I got a message from Ashlea asking me to visit her. I know she has had a rough time lately with the upcoming anniversary of her dads death and her best friends car accident.
I drove over there after work (11pm) and I never know what to say to people who are upset or distraught.

On a side-note , I have never really lost anyone really close to me that I knew well. My next door neighbour growing up passed this year but thats it. I just don't know what its like.

I just hugged her and listened to everything she had to say :(

She is such a strong girl, to go through all this shit and still be a half decent person (although some substance abuse, but who's perfect?)
I would settle to be half the person she is. I admire her as a person.

PS. Jordiana, I'm so sorry I can't make it

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